In this annual report the goal is to document and inform the public of the accomplishments of the volunteers, users, county and other agencies and departments in our efforts to fulfill the direction from the board. The Rubicon is in great condition and we continue to meet the conditions of the easement.
2021 Rubicon Trail Patrol Report November 3, 2021
Prepared by Sergeant Michael J. Seligsohn:
“The 2021 Summer Season Rubicon Trail patrol began on May 21, 2021 and ran until the Caldor Fire caused the USFS to close the El Dorado Forest to recreational uses. That included the Rubicon Trail. During the operational period of May 21 thru August 15, 2021 EDSO engaged patrol operations every weekend, Friday thru Sunday and extended those hours on several event and holiday weeks.
Measurable totals include:
o 1416 hours of Deputy Hours on the trail
o 7282 vehicles encountered on the trail
o Over 17,000 people on the trail
o Seventy-three enforcement contacts
o Fifty-six warnings
o Fourteen citations
o Three arrests
o One Coroner’s investigation
The majority of the citations involved resource damage in areas on and adjacent to the trail, trespassing, and registration issues. One notable outlier occurred when an unregistered jetski was brought to Buck Island Lake atop a jeep, and enforcement action was taken.
Adopt a Trail Program
We are still feeling the effects of COVID with the Adopt a Trail (AAT) program. In 2020, we did not ask for any inspections because of social distancing. In 2021, some Adopt a Trail volunteers were back and others were restructuring, moving segments and various other changes. We did not focus on the program a lot this year as a transition, but look for a new start in 2022.
Fifteen different segments were established in 2014 and adopted. As of 2019 there are now sixteen segments in El Dorado County.
A few AAT groups were able to inspect this year. The ones that were not have been completed by county staff and are noted below. There are three segments available, if you or anyone you know is interested in possibly adopting a segment please contact our office.