Posted by alexanderramirez
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA – Harvest Cycle Davidson was in El Dorado County Superior Court once again this week, along with some 80 people watching on the Zoom livestream, facing a murder charge.
They were all present to watch the proceedings for Davidson’s case that started all the way back in 2016 and it looks like it will be ongoing into 2022, even though the day’s matters concerned a motion for pretrial discovery and a motion to continue the trial.
Davidson’s case has been delayed in large part because of the new felony murder law from a couple years ago that made it more difficult to prosecute people for murder, like Davidson, if they participated in a crime that led to murder even though they weren’t involved in the homicide specifically.
Judge Suzanne Kingsbury interjected with a question at this point.
“So, obviously in every criminal case we want to make sure that a defendant and his or her attorney get full discovery and I can understand, although it’s certainly troubling, that you have a system that automatically populates a report, a police report for example, with a series of stamps, numbers from the start of that report to the end of that report,” began the judge.
Judge Kingsbury continued, “So let’s say that the district attorney’s office received a 20-page report from one of your DA investigators, then as you’re doing this audit, are you also confirming that the actual document which is then uploaded to your system has the same number of pages as is reflected by the stamp?”
As for Davidson’s say on whether he agreed with his attorney’s request to prolong the trial, “For the purpose of investigating, yes, I do.”
The case was set to reconvene on Feb. 4 for a trial setting at 1:30 p.m.
Content retrieved from: https://www.davisvanguard.org/2021/11/5-year-old-davidson-trial-postponed-again-after-pretrial-discussion-about-missing-discovery/.