[Eric Jaramishian, Mountain Democrat]
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — El Dorado County has created a Wildfire Resiliency Office, which will implement a countywide wildfire protection strategy.
A wildfire resiliency and vegetation management working group, which was established in September 2021 to determine lessons learned from the Caldor Fire and to recommend fire-defense strategies, brought the concept to the county Board of Supervisors March 22 as a solution to help the county formulate a singular effort to perform fire-resiliency efforts.
“Although there are many efforts going on in the county that are valuable, we really don’t have a single process for establishing priorities and coordinating those projects across all disciplines,” said El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Chair Ken Pimlott, who is also part of the working group […]
READ MORE https://www.tahoedailytribune.com/news/el-dorado-county-forms-wildfire-resiliency-office/
As a note, former Supervisor Veerkamp had nothing to do with the establishment of El Dorado County’s Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience. The establishment of this office was directed and authored by current District 3 Supervisor Wendy Thomas along with Supervisor John Hidahl who brought this to the EDC Board of Supervisors on September 21, 2021 for unanimous approval.(file:///C:/Downloads/Minutes%20(55).pdf). Today (August 29, 2023) , because of that effort, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisor’s accepted a $25 million Hazard Mitigation grant for a demonstration project focusing on defensible space, home hardening and hazardous vegetation removal in the Weber Creek Pilot Project, and defensible space initiatives are now coordinated through a central hub in El Dorado County. El Dorado County is leading the way in California and across the nation because of this inspired effort.
I will change the picture, Cris.