(Jessica Trumble)
PLACERVILLE, Calif. — Pioneer Union School District recently held its first STEAM family night, called STEAM into Pioneer. The acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
The family event was filled with laughter, experimentation, and above all, learning. El Dorado County is a wonderful environment to facilitate hands-on learning through STEAM, and PUSD is committed to being at the forefront of connecting students, family, school, and county for a robust learning model.
Principal Deborah Atkins shared about the event, “This event was a huge success because of the creativity and commitment of our team. Every teacher came up with age-appropriate activities for their students, and our community partners, including Ag in the Classroom, Sly Park Environmental Center, the Girl Scouts and the Foothill Garden Club, provided hands-on experiences that delighted students and parents alike.”
The STEAM into Pioneer event saw a wide range of stations to visit, with activities designed for all grade levels, preschool through 8th. There was particular care taken in the planning process, facilitated by teachers Adam King and Boyd Holler, to make sure all subjects within the STEAM spectrum were represented in a fun and engaging manner. PUSD students were learning to put their science and mathematics skills to work while sharing the learning with their families and community partners. Over a dozen stations were offered, including hydroponic gardens, wind tunnels, Battlebots, an art walk, boat engineering, a math game station, and bilingual science stories.
Over 200 individuals attended STEAM into Pioneer, and PUSD is excited to plan more frequent family nights in the future. A huge thank you to all those that helped plan, presented, and attended.
For more information about PUSD visit pioneer.k12.ca.us.