September 18, 2024

7 thoughts on “Next on the Editorial Calendar – an Investigative Report on allegations of “Contract Steering”

  1. Reader comment: “This is bullshit. I wanted to bid on this contract, I’m local with a PhD in BS and could have provided these services for $1999 per day. I’m familiar with local municipalities also having attended a BOS meeting once. The fact the county hired a female consultant screams sexism. Sounds like a sweetheart deal dripping with Nepotism. “

  2. In an unrelated case U.S Attorney Phillips says about Contract Steering: “By engaging in cronyism and contract-steering, this defendant chose to reward a friend with federal money instead of actively seeking the most qualified and cost-effective bidder.” This case continues with: “The American taxpayer expects federal employees to execute their duties and obligations conscientiously and in a dispassionate, fair manner that puts public good ahead of private gain,” said Special Agent in Charge Schofield. “Here we see an unfortunate exception; an official who used her position to benefit herself. Though the damage in reputational harm and erosion of public trust is difficult to quantify, the resolute investigation and prosecution of Ms. Moskov is a reminder that legal and ethical standards for federal employees are not haphazard and consequences for such transgressions can be grave.”
    CASE: Deputy Director of USAID Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges In Contract-Steering Scheme

  3. She’s in Texas, if I read the info online correctly – and it was a ‘no bid’ appointment??? Surely there is SOMEONE in our area who could do this job!!

  4. She has a history of not playing well with others. There is a Ted Talk with Dawn Emerick. She was the health director in San Antonio and Colleen was her boss. She lasted 5 months. Then did a Ted Talk about abuse on the job. I am pretty sure Colleen is a tyrant. Colleen also was on the list for a law suit against the Federal Government, when Trump was in. They didn’t believe the mandates were strong enough in the cruise ship industry. She is a tyrant. We don’t need her here.

  5. The article above states that the decision was “promoted” by the director of HHS. Exactly what does “promoted” mean. Excuse my ignorance but what is the decision making process HHS? Was this a decision by the director? If not, who else was involved?

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